Sunday, 2 October 2011

EPC Tag Classification for RFID

Photo: GS1 EPCglobal RFID
RFID uses a numbering scheme called EPC (Electronic Product Code) which can provide unique ID for any physical object. 

Currently, there are 4 classes in GEN2 with different tags and applications:-
Class 1: Identity Tags
Class 2: Higher Functionality Tags
Class 3: Semi-Passive Tags
Class 4: Active Tags 

Saturday, 1 October 2011

RFID vs Barcode- pros and cons

This is simple table to compare between RFID and Barcode system but in reality, it is not so straight forward when make a decision to embark into RFID project. 

It even involve human psychology and more than dollars and cents, as there are fear and reservations from team members involve:- 

Fear of losing their job due to RFID technology and 

Reservation due to human are creature of habits and changing from a barcode environment to RFID may need to change users' habit.